Category: Projects


Point of View: A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering

Wintle, B.C. & Boehm, C.R., Rhodes, C., Molloy, J.C., Millett, P., Adam, L.,  et al.., Sutherland, W.J. (2017) A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering. eLife. Advances in biological engineering are likely to have substantial impacts on global society. To explore these potential impacts we ran a horizon scanning exercise to capture …

ebio·ome: the DNA space explorer.

Talk at SynBioBeta 2017

PACHA.YEAST: Morphogenetic engineering of yeast Microcolonies

Incas regarded space and time as a single concept, referred to as pacha ( Quechua: pacha, Aymara: pacha). A poster of my work on PACHA.YEAST: Highlights: Lab automation with Apprent’yeast: learned patterns to automatically design plasmids from lab data (inferred a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG)) Adam, L. & Klavins, E. (2015). archiYEAST: a command-line synthetic yeast …

LYSD: Language for Yeast Spatiotemporal Development

LYSD is a language a created to specify a phenotype. It can be compiled down into a genetic designs, which ultimately can be automatically build into a lab (check out Aquarium from the Klavins lab; I used it with a python API). We could formally verify a programmed phenotype: microscopy images can be analysed and …

UW CoMotion funds ebio·ome

I received the Innovation Fund in 2016. EE Students and Faculty Receive 2016 CoMotion Innovation Fund. July 7, 2016 by UW EE department (PR). I was a commercialization fellow for 2017.

ebioome 2016 CoMotion Innovation Fund winner

More to come thanks to (replace student by postdoc ^^)

Gro for snowflake yeast

Gro is a software written in C++ using QT. Gro is a programming language and a 2D simulation environment for cells. The physics and front end has been implemented for e.coli. Specification and simulation of synthetic multicelled behaviors. Jang SS(1), Oishi KT, Egbert RG, Klavins E. Author information: (1)Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, …

[OVERVIEW] My BioCAD tools

Design: GenoCAD – Rule-based genetic design tools user-friendly and Domain Specific Language M. Galdzicki, K. P. Clancy, E. Oberortner, M. Pocock, J. Y. Quinn, C. a Rodriguez, N. Roehner, M. L. Wilson, L. Adam, J. C. Anderson, B. a Bartley, J. Beal, D. Chandran, J. Chen, D. Densmore, D. Endy, R. Grünberg, J. Hallinan, N. …

Speaking at Biological and Chemical Security in an Age of Responsible Innovation

Royal Society, London UK 19th-21st November 2014 Conference on Bio-Chem S&T and Security: Royal Society 19-21st November 2014