Tag: bioethics


Germ line engineering with CRISPR, and a bioethics note

New article: Engineering the Perfect Baby: Scientists are developing ways to edit the DNA of tomorrow’s children. Should they stop before it’s too late? By Antonio Regalado on March 5, 2015 http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/535661/engineering-the-perfect-baby/   …which reminds me I don’t say this enough (maybe?) :: We need more people trained in Bioethics, BIOETHICS, BiOeThIcS, bioethics, bIoEtHiCs, B.I.O.E.T.H.I.C.S.  clear enough? So, here …

Je suis un OGM: Quoi de plus naturel pour un couple que de choisir son enfant ?

A voir sur http://www.festivalnikon.fr/video/2014/911

And the de-extinction of Neanderthals ?

http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/george-church-explains-how-dna-will-be-construction-material-of-the-future-a-877634.html Bioethics: “The major issue with creating new life forms is determining the moral status of such entities and what is in their interests. Ethically, we should not create new life forms only to inflict suffering on them.” http://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk/2013/01/back-to-the-future-the-ethics-of-cloning-neanderthals-and-creating-genetically-modified-animals/