Tag: biothreat


Genome Editing listed as a WMD threat by DNI

Research in genome editing conducted by countries with different regulatory or ethical standards than those of Western countries probably increases the risk of the creation of potentially harmful biological agents or products. Given the broad distribution, low cost, and accelerated pace of development of this dual-use technology, its deliberate or unintentional misuse might lead to …

Seminar announcement: “Emerging Biothreats: Securing the Digital Dimension”

THE MONTEREY INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES AND THE JAMES MARTIN CENTER FOR NONPROLIFERATION STUDIES  PRESENT  A Seminar “Emerging Biothreats: Securing the Digital Dimension”  Speaker Laura Adam, Ph.D. Laura Adam is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. Her presentation will offer a constructivist view of the biothreat as three “waves” of …

La fonte des glaces, un risque pour la santé publique

[google-translator] « La démonstration que des virus enfouis dans le sol il y a plus de trente mille ans puissent survivre et être encore infectieux suggère que la fonte du permafrost due au réchauffement climatique et l’exploitation minière et industrielle des régions arctiques pourraient comporter des risques pour la santé publique », souligne Jean-Michel Claverie …