Tag: synthetic biology


Changing the Nature of Nature

Explorations with Bryan Johnson | Synthetic Biology

Why Kickstarter’s Glowing Plant Left Backers in the Dark


MOMA and Synthetic Biology. Disruptive science?

http://www.moma.org/explore/inside_out/2014/12/17/designing-life-synthetic-biology-and-design Watch the videos, in particular:   … which really let me thinking about ‘disruptive’. FYI, according to Wikipedia: Types of Innovation Sustaining An innovation that does not affect existing markets. Evolutionary An innovation that improves a product in an existing market in ways that customers are expecting. (e.g., fuel injection) Revolutionary (discontinuous, radical) An innovation …

Biology as the next hardware

I really liked this article, especially: In the middle, between DNA read-in and DNA read-out, is a computing layer that’s seen enormous growth in the availability of useful data. Databases like KEGG, for metabolic pathways, and Genbank, for genetic sequences, codify biological processes in machine terms. Software can instantaneously run through millions of permutations before suggesting a …

Synthetic leaf

“The synthetic leaf uses photosynthesis to produce oxygen, by absorbing light, water and carbon dioxide.” “The artificial leaves feature chloroplasts extracted from actual plant cells that are suspended in a material made from silk protein. So when given access to light and water they still produce oxygen, but they’re better suited to surviving off our …

Zombie cell

“From the living cell, this process creates hardened silica structures that look the same as the previously living cell, but can survive greater pressures and temperatures than flesh ever could, and can perform some functions better than when they were alive.” http://energy.gov/articles/zombie-replicants-outperform-living (fr) http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2014/01/14/-photos-virus-mortels_n_4593269.html?utm_hp_ref=fr-science

And the de-extinction of Neanderthals ?

http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/george-church-explains-how-dna-will-be-construction-material-of-the-future-a-877634.html Bioethics: “The major issue with creating new life forms is determining the moral status of such entities and what is in their interests. Ethically, we should not create new life forms only to inflict suffering on them.” http://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk/2013/01/back-to-the-future-the-ethics-of-cloning-neanderthals-and-creating-genetically-modified-animals/  

On Biohacking

Ellen Jorgensen: Biohacking — you can do it, too TED talk 2012

Glowing Plant: seeds to be shipped ?

The project Glowing Plant: Natural Lighting without Electricity Now order: Glowing Plant seeds $50 A pack of 50-100 fertile seeds of Glowing Plant Arabidopsis. Use the plants as a nightlight or show them off to your friends. The seeds are expected to ship in September 2014 or Maker Kit $300 The maker kit includes the …