Tag: cyborg


Forbes on biohacking and Sensor tattoo

Here is the Forbes article: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferhicks/2014/03/15/move-over-hackers-biohackers-are-here/ about….Communities, ‘true’ hackers, cyborgs: review, but I did not know this ref they pointed out to: ‘Biosensor Tattoo Monitors Sweat For Health Indicators’ http://www.jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/news/news_releases/release.sfe?id=1353 Although it is a biosensor, it uses nanotech (based on electrochemistry). A lot more sensors by Dr. Joe Wang: His website: http://joewang.ucsd.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12&Itemid=28 ‘Micromotors detox chemical …

Serons-nous bientôt tous des cyborgs ?

[google-translator] A few documentaries from Arte on Cyborgs: *Les cyborgs sont-ils l’avenir de l’être humain ? *Vous avez dit cyborg ? (with an artist) *Implant cochléaire : une réponse à la surdité Video: http://future.arte.tv/fr/serons-nous-bientot-tous-des-cyborgs#article-anchor-11611 (fr)

DIY Cyborg

I just thought it is good to know about it, and I’ll stop here. Read more: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/the-diy-cyborg