PACHA.YEAST: Morphogenetic engineering of yeast Microcolonies


PACHA.YEAST: Morphogenetic engineering of yeast Microcolonies

Incas regarded space and time as a single concept, referred to as pacha ( Quechua: pacha, Aymara: pacha).

A poster of my work on PACHA.YEAST:


Lab automation with Apprent’yeast: learned patterns to automatically design plasmids from lab data (inferred a probabilistic context-free
grammar (PCFG))

  • Adam, L. & Klavins, E. (2015). archiYEAST: a command-line synthetic yeast architectInternational Workshop on Bio-Design Automation (IWBDA) in Seattle, WA.

Graph grammar for LYSD, the Language for Yeast Spatiotemporal Development

Image processing of microcolonies