Expert in Computer Science X Biology | Interested in Global Issues

Jurassic park

Wanna get closer to the reality?

RV museum

RV museum A museum in a RV. Possibly running experiments! Just to awesome to touch/interact/educate many many people.

Virtual Museum

Virtual Museum Present historical research

Dicussing with the public – concept

Dinner tables + a topic + specialist. Sign up for a table. Great concept! Great conversation table concept

[Slides DEFENSE] Mapping Genotype to Phenotype using Attribute Grammar

MAPPING GENOTYPE TO PHENOTYPE USING ATTRIBUTE GRAMMAR Doctoral Dissertation Defense Thursday, July 25th, 2013 – 1:00PM Virginia Bioinformatics Institute – Room 325LAURA ADAM Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Program ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Jean Peccoud (Chair) David Bevan, Harold Garner, François Képès, Naren Ramakrishnan, John Tyson Abstract Over the past 10 years, several synthetic biology research groups …

I won the SBOL logo contest

with…. Introduction to SBOL    

GenoCAD tutorials

We developed tutorial material on GenoCAD which I used on several occasions. Adam, L. & Peccoud, J. Tutorial : GenoCAD I&II. Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics in Nice, France, March, 2013. (invited) Adam, L. & Peccoud, J. Tutorial : GenoCAD I&II. Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics at Evry, France, May 21-25, 2012 and La-Colle-sur-Loup, France, …

News coverage GenoTHREAT

Biosecurity for the Age of Redesigned Life.November 8, 2013 by JOHN DANKOSKY. NPR Science Friday ( iGEM Team Developing Biosecurity Software for Synthetic Genomics.Jul 23, 2010 by Uduak Grace Thomas. ( Bioinformatics used to detect rogue use of synthetic biology. July 19-20, 2010 by Barry Whyte, Virginia Tech (PR). Biotechniques, Science Blog, e! Science News, R&D Mag, Eurekalert, ScienceDaily, …

[Slides] Formal languages to map Genotype to Phenotype in Natural Genomes.

Adam, L. Formal languages to map Genotype to Phenotype in Natural Genomes. GBCB seminar, 2012. Speaker: Laura Adam, GBCB Doctoral Candidate Advisor: Jean Peccoud, VBI Title: Formal languages to map Genotype to Phenotype in Natural Genomes Abstract: To formalize Genotype-to-Phenotype mapping and confer predictive powers, missing in current approaches, information from genomic databases and mathematical …

Scientists need to be proactive to foment international biosecurity.

Runner-up essay for the “Young Scientists” essay contest organized by the Implementation and Support Unit of the Biological Weapon Convention at the United Nations