Category: Monitor Science


Synthetic leaf

“The synthetic leaf uses photosynthesis to produce oxygen, by absorbing light, water and carbon dioxide.” “The artificial leaves feature chloroplasts extracted from actual plant cells that are suspended in a material made from silk protein. So when given access to light and water they still produce oxygen, but they’re better suited to surviving off our …

DIY Bioterrorism

DIY Bioterrorism Part I: The Age for Synthetic Biology and the Threat to Global Security January 27, 2014 By Adam Bernier and Patrick Rose DIY Bioterrorism Part I: The Age for Synthetic Biology and the Threat to Global Security Notes: Many countries have been promoting an economic plan that includes the biotechnology industry as a …

Serons-nous bientôt tous des cyborgs ?

[google-translator] A few documentaries from Arte on Cyborgs: *Les cyborgs sont-ils l’avenir de l’être humain ? *Vous avez dit cyborg ? (with an artist) *Implant cochléaire : une réponse à la surdité Video: (fr)

DIY Cyborg

I just thought it is good to know about it, and I’ll stop here. Read more:

Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria — Documentary

Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria Super bugs: multiresistant bacteria outbreaks with David E Hoffman Some keywords: Horizontal gene transfer, gram-negative, multiresistant, antibiotics, super bug Video: and background information, in depth   Dual-use and antibacterial resistance research? Making antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains by inserting a plasmid expressing resistance to a specific known antibiotic is routine in most …

New Botulinum Toxin: Scientists choose NOT to publish.

It seems to be the first time that scientists THEMSELVES choose not to publish their work for biosecurity reasons. A first sign that responsible stewardship discourse in Life Science is taking roots? Why Scientists Held Back Details On A Unique Botulinum Toxin Excerpts: The new form of the toxin was discovered by Jason Barash and …