On the one hand biohackers act as rebels who challenge the status quo by advocating free access and sharing; on the other hand they may also act as profiteers who resist external interference from public regulations, corporate interests, or academic institutions, in order to accumulate economic profit as well as personal prestige (Golinelli and Henry 2014). …
http://www.ted.com/talks/ricardo_semler_radical_wisdom_for_a_company_a_school_a_life?language=en On accumulating money: […] if you’re giving back, you took too much. And some of the other very interesting things: And so we said, look, the retirement, the whole issue of how we distribute our graph of life. Instead of going mountain climbing when you’re 82, why don’t you do it next week? And we’ll do it like …
ADN, pochoir de Goin (Thierry Ehrmann/Flickr/CC) Vos gènes sont à vendre et ils peuvent rapporter gros (mais pas à vous) http://blogs.rue89.nouvelobs.com/la-sante-na-pas-de-prix/2015/01/24/vos-genes-sont-vendre-et-ils-peuvent-rapporter-gros-mais-pas-vous-234118 (EN) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fblogs.rue89.nouvelobs.com%2Fla-sante-na-pas-de-prix%2F2015%2F01%2F24%2Fvos-genes-sont-vendre-et-ils-peuvent-rapporter-gros-mais-pas-vous-234118 http://mediacenter.23andme.com/blog/2015/01/06/23andme-genentech-pd/
The United Nations’ 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers” In 2015, in France, people die for drawing cartoons… Devotion and Courage. Terrorist Attack against Charlie Hebdo My most humble and …
Biology as a manufacturing technology could well be the key to a more resilient, sustainable development agenda […]Whilst preventing the malign use of such a capacity will be one factor, there are a host of other issues that will need to be address in our national oversight frameworks, including the impact on: energy security; resource …
TED: Roger Stein: A bold new way to fund drug research “Believe it or not, about 20 years’ worth of potentially life-saving drugs are sitting in labs right now, untested. Why? Because they can’t get the funding to go to trials; the financial risk is too high. Roger Stein is a finance guy, and he …
[google-translator] Lordon et le capitalisme “waoow”, d@ns le texte Ou : le néo-libéralisme expliqué par l’angle alpha Video: http://www.arretsurimages.net/emissions/2010-09-30/Lordon-et-le-capitalisme-waoow-d-ns-le-texte-id3405 (fr) “Les hommes se trompent en ce qu’ils se croient libres, cette opinion consiste en cela seul qu’ils sont conscients de leurs désirs, et ignorants des causes qui les déterminent.” -Spinoza (A voir ici (fr) >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY8TH9ceyI0 …
[google-translator] Prêt à jeter Video (fr) http://www.arte.tv/fr/pret-a-jeter/3714422,CmC=3714270.html