Category: Parallel computing


Strengths and limitations of the federal guidance on synthetic DNA

Adam, L., Kozar, M., Letort, G., Mirat, O., Srivastava, A., Stewart, T., Wilson, M.L., Peccoud, J. (2011). Strengths and limitations of the federal guidance on synthetic DNA. Nature Biotechnology.

GenoTHREAT/GenoGUARD goes open source

GenoTHREAT is now open source (find it on Source Forge). The press release: BLACKSBURG, Va., March 21, 2011 – A software package designed to minimize the potential risks of synthetic biology for the nation’s defense and security is now available to the gene synthesis industry and synthetic biology community in an open-source format. Virginia Tech …


Description at Paper Adam, L., Kozar, M., Letort, G., Mirat, O., Srivastava, A., Stewart, T., Wilson, M.L., Peccoud, J. (2011). Strengths and limitations of the federal guidance on synthetic DNA. Nature Biotechnology. Code

NSF award for GenoTHREAT

The iGEM team already got results! Their project on GenoTHREAT is to be pursued: NSF awarded $1,000,000 to further develop the sequence screening software. More details: