Category: Synthetic Biology


A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering

Our new paper is out! Abstract Advances in biological engineering are likely to have substantial impacts on global society. To explore these potential impacts we ran a horizon scanning exercise to capture a range of perspectives on the opportunities and risks presented by biological engineering. We first identified 70 potential issues, and then used an …

Changing the Nature of Nature

Explorations with Bryan Johnson | Synthetic Biology

Why Kickstarter’s Glowing Plant Left Backers in the Dark


La grammaire de la vie

by Antoine Danchin La génétique, et désormais la génomique, envahissent la Une de journaux de papier, et jusqu’au journal télévisé lui-même. Mais sait-on réellement ce que cela signifie, ce qu’est la génétique des génomes ? On sait (mais sait-on vraiment ?) ce que sont les gènes. Ce sont ces objets abstraits sous-jacents à la transmission …

Lab folklore and mythology: a look at SSK literature

Beyond lab folklore and mythology: What the future of science will look like if we’re bold enough to look beyond centuries-old models. by  Mike Loukides  | January 16, 2015 Labs where there was a shared common knowledge of how to do things, but where that shared culture never made it outside, not even to the lab down …

Biology as the next hardware

I really liked this article, especially: In the middle, between DNA read-in and DNA read-out, is a computing layer that’s seen enormous growth in the availability of useful data. Databases like KEGG, for metabolic pathways, and Genbank, for genetic sequences, codify biological processes in machine terms. Software can instantaneously run through millions of permutations before suggesting a …

'The Automated Lab'

Offering scientists control of a wet lab by remote computer. Experiments to order   Ryffin, Transcriptic, Emerald Clould Lab