Category: Blog


Teaching programming with Scratch

Because I learnt that most french schools weren’t teaching any computer science (other than word processing), I am giving a course using Scratch in an elementary school (8 to 9 year old) to teach them some basics about programming. I put together a very basic quiz with if-then-else and equals. Hopefully, they’ll play with …

Algorithms and Architecture

Michael Hansmeyer: Computational architecture (Worked with L-systems too)   The living lab, David Benjamin

Seminar announcement: “Emerging Biothreats: Securing the Digital Dimension”

THE MONTEREY INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES AND THE JAMES MARTIN CENTER FOR NONPROLIFERATION STUDIES  PRESENT  A Seminar “Emerging Biothreats: Securing the Digital Dimension”  Speaker Laura Adam, Ph.D. Laura Adam is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. Her presentation will offer a constructivist view of the biothreat as three “waves” of …

Synthetic leaf

“The synthetic leaf uses photosynthesis to produce oxygen, by absorbing light, water and carbon dioxide.” “The artificial leaves feature chloroplasts extracted from actual plant cells that are suspended in a material made from silk protein. So when given access to light and water they still produce oxygen, but they’re better suited to surviving off our …

The Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) provides a community standard for communicating designs in synthetic biology

Authors: Michal Galdzicki, Kevin P Clancy, Ernst Oberortner, Matthew Pocock, Jacqueline Y Quinn, Cesar A Rodriguez, Nicholas Roehner, Mandy L Wilson, Laura Adam, J Christopher Anderson, Bryan A Bartley, Jacob Beal, Deepak Chandran, Joanna Chen, Douglas Densmore, Drew Endy, Raik Grünberg, Jennifer Hallinan, Nathan J Hillson, Jeffrey D Johnson, Allan Kuchinsky, Matthew Lux, Goksel Misirli, …

Crowds to fund research

…many links on different platforms and projects

Researchers Are Becoming Too Obsessed with Chasing Pageviews ….that, and writing about what they would do *if* they had money.   «Exiger des scientifiques qu’ils mènent des recherches avec un haut facteur d’impact crée un biais fort: cela les décourage de faire des recherches très risquées et cela réduit les chances de découvertes révolutionnaires inattendues.» (fr)  

civilisation >> 'irreversible collapse' ?

Can complex, advanced civilizations really collapse? Excerpts from S. Motesharrei and E. Kalnay, “A Minimal Model for Human and Nature Interaction,” 2012. modern civilization, armed with its greater technological capacity, scientific knowledge, and energy resources, will be able to survive and endure whatever crises historical societies succumbed to. In this paper we attempt to model …

Tardigrades (for the bio nerds)

Tardigrades… (also known as one of the best Adventure Racing team of the NATION! Yes, my team! #bragging #thisisridiculouslyfunny Since 2011 🙂 ) are the most awesome creatures in the world that can withstand extremes conditions! PLUS, they are now the HEROES of a wired article: how cool? “Go ahead and boil it, freeze it, …