Talk at SynBioBeta 2017
Our new paper is out! Abstract Advances in biological engineering are likely to have substantial impacts on global society. To explore these potential impacts we ran a horizon scanning exercise to capture a range of perspectives on the opportunities and risks presented by biological engineering. We first identified 70 potential issues, and then used an …
Using 17 chemical elements as a proxy for stellar DNA, we present a full phylogenetic study of stars in the solar neighbourhood. This entails applying a clustering technique that is widely used in molecular biology to construct an evolutionary tree from which three branches emerge. These are interpreted as stellar populations which separate in age …
I received the Innovation Fund in 2016. EE Students and Faculty Receive 2016 CoMotion Innovation Fund. July 7, 2016 by UW EE department (PR). I was a commercialization fellow for 2017.
2010-2016: Judge at the Jamboree 2014: Committee member Policy and Practices New track 2012: Judge at aGEM, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (invited) 2010-2011: Advisor Virginia Tech Team and Virginia Tech-ENSIMAG Biosecurity Team The pharmaceutical company Mylan, which is the only manufacturer of the device, was recently shown to have raised the prices of a single device from $57 to $318—that’s a 461 percent increase—since acquiring rights to it in 2007. […] There are several reasons why nobody else has built an alternative to the EpiPen, among them patent protection, fear …
Biobuilder in the States (high school) To “empower everybody with biotechnology,” she believes, will create an “interested and engaged citizenry” able to address and resolve problems relevant to their lives. […] Biotechnology now stands where computational technology did in the 1980s. Already, synthetic biologists and biotechnicians are revolutionizing fields from medicine to agriculture—not just in … The participants in the study identify many characteristics of academic careers that they find unappealing: the constant hunt for funding for research projects is a significant impediment for both men and women. But women in greater numbers than men see academic careers as all-consuming, solitary and as unnecessarily competitive. Both men and women PhD …
That looks like (it was) fun A complex game in which you can create your own ecosystems, animals or vegetables, then watch them eat, evolve, mate, or die.
Explorations with Bryan Johnson | Synthetic Biology