Category: Blog


ebio·ome: the DNA space explorer.

Talk at SynBioBeta 2017

A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering

Our new paper is out! Abstract Advances in biological engineering are likely to have substantial impacts on global society. To explore these potential impacts we ran a horizon scanning exercise to capture a range of perspectives on the opportunities and risks presented by biological engineering. We first identified 70 potential issues, and then used an …

Phylogenetic study of stars in the solar neighbourhood

Using 17 chemical elements as a proxy for stellar DNA, we present a full phylogenetic study of stars in the solar neighbourhood. This entails applying a clustering technique that is widely used in molecular biology to construct an evolutionary tree from which three branches emerge. These are interpreted as stellar populations which separate in age …

UW CoMotion funds ebio·ome

I received the Innovation Fund in 2016. EE Students and Faculty Receive 2016 CoMotion Innovation Fund. July 7, 2016 by UW EE department (PR). I was a commercialization fellow for 2017.

Judging at iGEM

2010-2016: Judge at the Jamboree 2014: Committee member Policy and Practices New track 2012: Judge at aGEM, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (invited) 2010-2011: Advisor Virginia Tech Team and Virginia Tech-ENSIMAG Biosecurity Team

$30 to Make a DIY EpiPen The pharmaceutical company Mylan, which is the only manufacturer of the device, was recently shown to have raised the prices of a single device from $57 to $318—that’s a 461 percent increase—since acquiring rights to it in 2007. […] There are several reasons why nobody else has built an alternative to the EpiPen, among them patent protection, fear …

It’s time we empower everybody with biotechnology

Biobuilder in the States (high school) To “empower everybody with biotechnology,” she believes, will create an “interested and engaged citizenry” able to address and resolve problems relevant to their lives. […] Biotechnology now stands where computational technology did in the 1980s. Already, synthetic biologists and biotechnicians are revolutionizing fields from medicine to agriculture—not just in …

Why women leave academia The participants in the study identify many characteristics of academic careers that they find unappealing: the constant hunt for funding for research projects is a significant impediment for both men and women. But women in greater numbers than men see academic careers as all-consuming, solitary and as unnecessarily competitive. Both men and women PhD …


That looks like (it was) fun A complex game in which you can create your own ecosystems, animals or vegetables, then watch them eat, evolve, mate, or die.

Changing the Nature of Nature

Explorations with Bryan Johnson | Synthetic Biology