Category: Blog


News coverage GenoTHREAT

Biosecurity for the Age of Redesigned Life.November 8, 2013 by JOHN DANKOSKY. NPR Science Friday ( iGEM Team Developing Biosecurity Software for Synthetic Genomics.Jul 23, 2010 by Uduak Grace Thomas. ( Bioinformatics used to detect rogue use of synthetic biology. July 19-20, 2010 by Barry Whyte, Virginia Tech (PR). Biotechniques, Science Blog, e! Science News, R&D Mag, Eurekalert, ScienceDaily, …

[Slides] Formal languages to map Genotype to Phenotype in Natural Genomes.

Adam, L. Formal languages to map Genotype to Phenotype in Natural Genomes. GBCB seminar, 2012. Speaker: Laura Adam, GBCB Doctoral Candidate Advisor: Jean Peccoud, VBI Title: Formal languages to map Genotype to Phenotype in Natural Genomes Abstract: To formalize Genotype-to-Phenotype mapping and confer predictive powers, missing in current approaches, information from genomic databases and mathematical …

Scientists need to be proactive to foment international biosecurity.

Runner-up essay for the “Young Scientists” essay contest organized by the Implementation and Support Unit of the Biological Weapon Convention at the United Nations

GenoTHREAT/GenoGUARD goes open source

GenoTHREAT is now open source (find it on Source Forge). The press release: BLACKSBURG, Va., March 21, 2011 – A software package designed to minimize the potential risks of synthetic biology for the nation’s defense and security is now available to the gene synthesis industry and synthetic biology community in an open-source format. Virginia Tech …

SBOL Workshop Blacksburg, VA 2011

A step-by-step introduction to rule-based design of synthetic genetic constructs using GenoCAD

Authors Mandy L Wilson, Russell Hertzberg, Laura Adam, Jean Peccoud Publication date 2011/1/1 Book Methods in enzymology Volume 498 Pages 173-188 GenoCAD is an open source web-based system that provides a streamlined, rule-driven process for designing genetic sequences. GenoCAD provides a graphical interface that allows users to design sequences consistent with formalized design strategies specific …

VT-Ensimag biosecurity team at the FBI headquarters

The iGEM team was invited by the FBI to present their work to 30 representatives of 15 government agencies. And we visited the FBI headquarters!

NSF award for GenoTHREAT

The iGEM team already got results! Their project on GenoTHREAT is to be pursued: NSF awarded $1,000,000 to further develop the sequence screening software. More details:

iGEM team helps prevent rogue use of synthetic biology

The team of students I am advising for iGEM 2010, VT-ENSIMAG biosecurity, is featured in this press release. They are working on implementing and characterizing the federal guidance on synthetic genomics and on building a corresponding software called GenoTHREAT. Learn more in BioTechniques and on Genomeweb.

Modeling structure-function relationships in synthetic DNA sequences using attribute grammars

Authors Yizhi Cai, Matthew W Lux, Laura Adam, Jean Peccoud Publication date 2009/10/9 Journal PLoS computational biology Volume5 Issue10 Pages e1000529 Abstract Recognizing that certain biological functions can be associated with specific DNA sequences has led various fields of biology to adopt the notion of the genetic part. This concept provides a finer level of granularity than the …