United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) publishes “Disarmament – A Basic Guide” in the six langauges http://unrec.org/index/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=307:le-desarmement-un-guide-de-reference&catid=46:disarmament-news&Itemid=46&lang=en
Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria Super bugs: multiresistant bacteria outbreaks with David E Hoffman Some keywords: Horizontal gene transfer, gram-negative, multiresistant, antibiotics, super bug Video: http://video.pbs.org/video/2365104403/ and background information, in depth http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/hunting-the-nightmare-bacteria/ Dual-use and antibacterial resistance research? Making antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains by inserting a plasmid expressing resistance to a specific known antibiotic is routine in most …
It seems to be the first time that scientists THEMSELVES choose not to publish their work for biosecurity reasons. A first sign that responsible stewardship discourse in Life Science is taking roots? Why Scientists Held Back Details On A Unique Botulinum Toxin Excerpts: The new form of the toxin was discovered by Jason Barash and …
December 2012 –DTRA announces the 1M Algorithm Challenge to characterize a clinical sample from DNA sequencing data. http://www.prweb.com/releases/dtra/algorithm/prweb10233480.htm The challenge was managed by the online platform Innocentive: https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933138 Innocentive is actually interesting to look at: (CIA through IN-Q-Tel) crowdsources scientific problems to solvers (http://www.foxbusiness.com/news/2012/11/29/how-in-q-tel-helps-cia-scout-for-innovative-technology-model-for-other-agencies/) Although very enthusiastic at first, I did not participate in the …
[google-translator] Torture – Michel Terestchenko est l’invité de Raphaël Enthoven dans “Philosophie” Enquête sur la justification de la torture dans la société d’aujourd’hui. La torture est-elle un mal nécessaire ? Faut-il torturer quelqu’un si les aveux qu’on lui extorque sont de nature à sauver des dizaines de vies ? A voir ici (fr) >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2OuT9KQNRE …
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/74894717] https://www.markfiore.com/mark-fiore-blog/cartoons/concealed-carry-control.html
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/explorers/grants-programs/cre-application/ Researchers In Panda Suits Release Cub Into Wild
Steal This Research Paper! (You Already Paid for It.)
[google-translator] Sushis au cobalt 60 …un bel avenir irradieux http://www.franceinter.fr/emission-la-bas-si-jy-suis-fukushima-rien-a-voir Playlist >> On ecoute cette belle chanson de La Parisienne Liberee, LES ROIS DE L’URANIUM: http://www.laparisienneliberee.com/les-rois-de-l-uranium/ et Tryo, Cogema: et Kraftwerk, Radioactivity: