Category: Educate


Serons-nous bientôt tous des cyborgs ?

[google-translator] A few documentaries from Arte on Cyborgs: *Les cyborgs sont-ils l’avenir de l’être humain ? *Vous avez dit cyborg ? (with an artist) *Implant cochléaire : une réponse à la surdité Video: (fr)

Participate in iGEM 2014 Policy and Practices New Track

Learn about the opportunity to participate in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Policy and Practices New Track Competition of Synthetic Biology at ! What is iGEM? Teams will propose innovative ways of thinking about the ethical, legal, social, economic, biosafety, environmental or biosecurity landscape of synthetic biology. Share the flyer !>> iGEM_P&P_track_flyer_Feb2014

History of Bioterrorism

Really good resource on the History of Bioterrorism   Extremely complete on 1900 to 2000: W. S. Carus, Bioterrorism and Biocrimes The Illicit Use of Biological Agents Since 1900, vol. 1998, no. February. 2001.

On writing life

Interesting podcast about ‘writing life’, what to make and the implications. GO LISTEN >>

Immunology and philosophy (and maths)

The speed of change: towards a discontinuity theory of immunity? T. Pradeu, S. Jaeger, and E. Vivier, “The speed of change: towards a discontinuity theory of immunity?,” Nat. Rev. Immunol., vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 764–9, Oct. 2013. “Recent advances in the understanding of innate immunity, how it is triggered and how it shares features …

Biosecurity for the Age of Redesigned Life

Biosecurity for the Age of Redesigned Life (Science Friday) Forget dissecting frogs and building potato batteries. High school students today are learning genetic engineering–and some are even redesigning life. Bioethicists and the FBI have taken note and are rethinking biosecurity for the synthetic biology revolution. GO LISTEN!

Keeping Science in the Right Hands: Policing the New Biological Frontier

An excellent article by Ronald K. Noble

Disarmament – A Basic Guide

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) publishes “Disarmament – A Basic Guide” in the six langauges

Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria — Documentary

Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria Super bugs: multiresistant bacteria outbreaks with David E Hoffman Some keywords: Horizontal gene transfer, gram-negative, multiresistant, antibiotics, super bug Video: and background information, in depth   Dual-use and antibacterial resistance research? Making antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains by inserting a plasmid expressing resistance to a specific known antibiotic is routine in most …

Torture – "Philosophie"

[google-translator] Torture – Michel Terestchenko est l’invité de Raphaël Enthoven dans “Philosophie” Enquête sur la justification de la torture dans la société d’aujourd’hui. La torture est-elle un mal nécessaire ? Faut-il torturer quelqu’un si les aveux qu’on lui extorque sont de nature à sauver des dizaines de vies ? A voir ici (fr) >> …