Category: Educate


Les statistiques sont souvent mal comprises / Insufficient understanding of statistics is widespread

lack of complete knowledge does not mean that we know nothing, and statistics is the powerful tool that guides us when we do not have complete knowledge

Historico-Lexical explorations

Gender wise, the data suggests that The Bible is overwhelmingly biased towards males.

Generative Art and Computational Creativity

So pumped !!

Practical Predictive Analytics: Models and Methods

from   Really good course at:

Phylogenetic study of stars in the solar neighbourhood

Using 17 chemical elements as a proxy for stellar DNA, we present a full phylogenetic study of stars in the solar neighbourhood. This entails applying a clustering technique that is widely used in molecular biology to construct an evolutionary tree from which three branches emerge. These are interpreted as stellar populations which separate in age …

It’s time we empower everybody with biotechnology

Biobuilder in the States (high school) To “empower everybody with biotechnology,” she believes, will create an “interested and engaged citizenry” able to address and resolve problems relevant to their lives. […] Biotechnology now stands where computational technology did in the 1980s. Already, synthetic biologists and biotechnicians are revolutionizing fields from medicine to agriculture—not just in …

Changing the Nature of Nature

Explorations with Bryan Johnson | Synthetic Biology


  A talk by CLAPPERTON CHAKANETSA MAVHUNGA Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga is associate professor of science, technology, and society at MIT and visiting associate professor at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Professor Mavhunga’s work engages the meanings of science, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship from Africa in the long historical context, and their implications on how …

Yeast can live with human genes Yeast and humans have been evolving along separate paths for 1 billion years, but there’s still a strong family resemblance, a new study demonstrates. After inserting more than 400 human genes into yeast cells one at a time, researchers found that almost 50% of the genes functioned and enabled the fungi to survive. Systematic …

Germ line engineering with CRISPR, and a bioethics note

New article: Engineering the Perfect Baby: Scientists are developing ways to edit the DNA of tomorrow’s children. Should they stop before it’s too late? By Antonio Regalado on March 5, 2015   …which reminds me I don’t say this enough (maybe?) :: We need more people trained in Bioethics, BIOETHICS, BiOeThIcS, bioethics, bIoEtHiCs, B.I.O.E.T.H.I.C.S.  clear enough? So, here …